Board Members

Our Board is made up of a wide variety of backgrounds, which uniquely blend to provide a wide range of experience.  It is comprised of hard working family and close friends that are committed to giving back by serving our fellow man.  We work to help eliminate hunger and homelessness in the City of Philadelphia, one person at a time.

Founded in 2008 by Albert and Mary Matthews, married 38 years and blessed with 11 wonderful children, several of which help with the company’s mission.  Albert worked for Peco Energy as an Aerial Lineman for many years and is now retired.  Albert holds a Bachelors Degree in Business from Penn State University.  Mary Matthews is a homemaker and together Albert and Mary celebrate 16 wonderful grandchildren. 

Jonathan is a graduate of Legal Studies from St. Joseph's University and is currently employed at the law firm of ReedSmith, LLP in Philadelphia.  As vice-president and board member and volunteer, he assists with planning, operations and fundraising for the company.

William is Vice President of IT and Technology for Allied Mortgage Group and is married with 5 children. Bill serves as Webmaster and assists with supplying food to those in need.  Bill also provides technology direction for the operations of the company.

James joins MyPoorFeat as a board member and treasurer of the company.  James is a graduate of Penn State University and works as a Financial Analyst and Administrative Coordinator for Charles P. Elliott, P.C. He is excited to be an active part of MyPoorFeat and seeks opportunities to help people any way he can.

Peter joins MyPoorFeat as a board member and Webmaster/Volunteer.  Peter is a graduate of Drexel University and works for Javan Engineering as an Engineer.

Thomas is currently enrolled in an Accounting Degree at Penn State University and is currently employed at Holy Reedemer Health System.  As a board member and volunteer, he assists with planning, operations and fundraising for the company.  

Board Members — List page from Classic Sites